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Wholesale design for anti-pressure anti-shock anti-thrust anti-frust anti-rolling plant.
Wholesale design for anti-pressure anti-shock anti-thrust anti-frust anti-rolling plant.
Wholesale design for anti-pressure anti-shock anti-thrust anti-frust anti-rolling plant.
Wholesale design for anti-pressure anti-shock anti-thrust anti-frust anti-rolling plant.

Wholesale design for anti-pressure anti-shock anti-thrust anti-frust anti-rolling plant.

ManufacturerWenzhou Packaging Technology Ltd.
CategoryLogistics packaging
Imported or notYes
BrandLet's go.
Air bubble width40CM
Air bubble length300 m/ roll
MaterialsNew stuff.
BubbleBubbles, Bubbles.
Process CustomYes.
Scope of applicationGeneric
GoodsSimulator Custom
Blast power.200KG
Bubble diameter2CM-3.5/CM
Bubble height20CM-80CM
Volume diameter15CM
Height per square metre15G
Whether or not to export a source of goods exclusively across bordersYes
Specifications300 m2 of bubble 40*32, 300 m2 of bubble 40*20, 300 m2 of bubble 40*30, 300 m2 of bubble 40*18, 300 m of bubble 40*26 IV, 300 m1.8 of bubble 20*32, 300 m2 of bubble 40*32, 300 m1.8 of bubble 40*32 and 40*32 of bubble 300 m1.8 of bubble 40*32

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