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High-quality plant supply of mobile stainless steel poles for external Amazon sale
High-quality plant supply of mobile stainless steel poles for external Amazon sale
High-quality plant supply of mobile stainless steel poles for external Amazon sale
High-quality plant supply of mobile stainless steel poles for external Amazon sale

High-quality plant supply of mobile stainless steel poles for external Amazon sale

ManufacturerYongkang Military Sword Tool Factory
CategoryClothes drying and cleaning equipment
Product categoryLanding hanger
BrandFan Xin
Imported or notYes
Sun hanger StyleMobile
It's a dryer.Double
Materialsstainless steel.
Trade PropertiesInternal trade, domestic trade + foreign trade
Number of boxes10 items/items
Is it scalable?Yeah.
Product listing timeFall 2013
Price period$40-50.
Whether to foldYeah.
Process CustomYes.
ColourSection A: double pole stretcher, section B: double pole stretcher (with steel wire)
Main downstream platformAmazon
Main distribution areasEurope
There's an authorized brand.Yes.
Whether or not to export a source of goods exclusively across bordersYes.
StyleModern Concise
Dimensions145 long 430 long 155 CM

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